To Do

  • BUG: current week lookup breaks for global endurance series
  • BUG: /balance isn't returning
  • ENHANCEMENT: allow automatic end of week stats posts
  • ENHANCEMENT: Include car count on overview image in /previous_race output
  • ENHANCEMENT: /driver output should include absolute numbers for iRating position
  • ENHANCEMENT: need an alert for when the frontend accepts a command, but never receives the output
  • BUG: Using a . in place for the default series name isn't working
  • ENHANCEMENT: /popularity should include the track each series is at
  • ENHANCEMENT: /balance table should have best and mean columns
  • ENHANCEMENT: send initial quick overview from backend -> frontend, then add content to thread as processed
  • ENHANCEMENT: an process via the website for a supporter to remove the bot from the current server
  • BUG: Duplicate series listed in output for /popularity category:road season:22s4 week:12
  • BUG: Subscriber can't use subscriber commands on another server
  • ENHANCEMENT: /cautions command
  • ENHANCEMENT: django rest framework endpoints for required data for bot commands
  • ENHANCEMENT: System to inform subscriber if their payment was declined
  • ENHANCEMENT: add support for announcing TT results
  • ENHANCEMENT: add a /configure command; initially giving a link to the web based options, longer term use discord modal feature to set options
  • ENHANCEMENT: documentation: how default series options now work
  • BUG: documentation: how to configure server options


  • BUG: NEC series is two drop weeks this season, not three
  • BUG: need error checking around selection of archived road category
  • BUG: /laps output is missing the charts
  • BUG: /popularity not responding
  • ENHANCEMENT: remove reliance on manual images for car logos
  • BUG: Y axis on time charts has leading 0 and no decimals
  • ENHANCEMENT: option to sort /team color output by color
  • ENHANCEMENT: split /driver output into Sports Car and Formula
  • ENHANCEMENT: add wins column to /team quick_stats output
  • ENHANCEMENT: add category icon to header of /driver output
  • BUG: long track names push final row into footer
  • BUG: missing logo for new audi
  • BUG: error when new season for series are in database, but there's not been any races yet
  • BUG: current week being calculated incorrectly
  • BUG: Invalid hex color code caused error
  • BUG: /balance output not matching provided week
  • BUG: /participation in multiclass isn't working?
  • ENHANCEMENT: heatmaps in /officials /strengthoffield and /participation for low pop series need cleaning up
  • BUG: /balance isn't working for falken sports car series
  • BUG: /balance should verify that a series is actually multimake before executing
  • BUG: Kamel series isn't automatically defaulting to the current season code
  • BUG: /points command is returning a duplicate weeks points table images for annual series
  • BUG: /cars series:MS Charity Race fails to get car list
  • BUG: /cars series:MS Charity Race season:23s3 fails to validate the season
  • BUG: /laps output headers display incorrect track for provided week
  • BUG: /team quick_stats category:dirt oval bombs out
  • BUG: toyota logo is missing for the NASCAR Trucks
  • BUG: series name autocomplete ordering is weird
  • BUG: NASCAR iRacing Class B, bot incorrectly thinks valid weeks are 1 to 9
  • BUG: /team quick_stats is failing
  • BUG: week filters aren't working
  • BUG: autocomplete for season option is listing invalid seasons for IMSA iRacing Series - Fixed
  • BUG: /week command is failing
  • BUG: autocomplete_season error if no series option provided
  • BUG: bot thinks season has flicked over, but there's no results table yet so commands are failing
  • BUG: /driver with a supplied series breaks
  • BUG: long car names line wrap in race announcement output
  • BUG: providing an invalid season (ie: 3 rather than 23s3) causes an error
  • BUG: Plus minus one irating change in /driver output
  • BUG: error on automatic race announce
  • ENHANCEMENT: bot logging improvements
  • BUG: /previous_race is stalling out
  • BUG: /schedule output doesn't include all weeks for the annual series (NASCAR Open, etc)
  • BUG: /team colors command only pulling 13 drivers
  • ENHANCEMENT: allow class filter on /participation command
  • ENHANCEMENT: include positions gained/lost in race announcement overview image
  • ENHANCEMENT: /popularity command that returns a list of the most popular series for the week
  • BUG: auto announce of special events errors
  • BUG: providing a class for a single class series results in an error
  • ENHANCEMENT: show season below series logo
  • BUG: /cars command doesn't respond if series/class isn't multimake
  • BUG: errors with many commands when specifying series: Kamel GT Championship
  • BUG: commands regarding annual series aren't automatically picking up the correct season
  • ENHANCEMENT: When supplying an multiclass series, bot should prompt for car class via buttons
  • BUG: info about commands in #faq-howto channel are out of date
  • BUG: /balance description is incorrect on image
  • BUG: /previous_race should include the car logo for races in multimake series
  • BUG: /previous_race and race announcer isn't working
  • BUG: week 2 info still being shown in week 3
  • BUG: new /previous_race (and race announce) do not deal with team events well
  • BUG: /schedule output isn't highlighting the current week
  • BUG: discord changed the way images are displayed
  • BUG: rig up new templates to use multi pages for big teams
  • BUG: /points isn't including the team drivers in the overview image
  • ENHANCEMENT: use option field for category rather than buttons
  • BUG: /points is broken
  • BUG: user_autocomplete_history seems inconsistent
  • BUG: unable to specify previous season for any active series
  • BUG: /subscribe command is failing
  • BUG: logging of commands with heaps of driver name options fail
  • BUG: /team quick_stats errors out when new seasons are in the database but no races have happened yet
  • BUG: week validation not being performed for /driver commands
  • BUG: Discrepancy in race counts between /driver overview and total of "most race series" table
  • BUG: Can't use commands to look up data of Bathurst 1000
  • BUG: errors due to library update
  • BUG: autocompletes aren't working
  • BUG: /driver errors if driver has raced in team event using own name as team name
  • ENHANCEMENT: Add pts vs ir chart for /championship output
  • BUG: some driver's who only do team events aren't searchable
  • ENHANCEMENT: "No races found" message should display long form season name
  • ENHANCEMENT: Include a chart showing championship positions against weeks for team drivers in a series
  • BUG: /popularity category:road is returning an empty table
  • ENHANCEMENT: add country filters for appropriate commands, use autocomplete to prompt users
  • BUG: highlight field doesn't work when supplying a name that includes a .
  • BUG: Year-long series can’t be queried
  • ENHANCEMENT: response recently selected by each user for options fields should be at the top their autocomplete lists
  • BUG: series name shows as None if no seriesname_short has been configured
  • BUG: /championship and /points are dropping weeks before the max weeks is reached
  • ENHANCEMENT: entries in the /laps tables should include fast times in multiple cars for same driver
  • ENHANCEMENT: top of autocomplete list: most recent series that a user has entered in the series
  • BUG: autocomplete for series field isn't being filtered by season value
  • ENHANCEMENT: need a scheduled task to update the channel lists of servers
  • BUG: highlight dots aren't being drawn in charts for /laps commands
  • ENHANCEMENT: allow using mention of discord team member by handle in place of driver name fields
  • BUG: highlight dots on /balance output show in the wrong section of the chart
  • BUG: annual series always returned at the top of the /previous_races output
  • BUG: driver tier patrons aren't being auto highlighted
  • BUG: /balance errors if a valid lap hasn't been run in a car
  • BUG: error creating chart for /laps qualifying for series:European Sprint Pure Driving School Series
  • BUG: /balance doesn't respond for series:GT Endurance VRS Series
  • BUG: /previous_races output isn't including the annual series (NEC/NIS/etc)
  • BUG: sof displayed in /previous_races in multiclass races is wrong
  • BUG: heat race series need aggchamppoints
  • BUG: /sched output needs layout too
  • ENHANCEMENT: script to link up patreons table rows with bot_guilds
  • BUG: /team commands need to validate if there's no drivers on the team
  • BUG: /driver ir_change wrong in table and chart incorrect
  • BUG: /points response isn't editing the Processing points request... message
  • BUG: /driver name:me errors if driver isn't actually known
  • BUG: team drivers aren't being automatically highlighted in /points
  • BUG: highlight isn't working
  • BUG: /series_abbreviations fails to find Processing message, so can't make thread
  • ENHANCEMENT: things the frontend should validate before handing off to backend
  • ENHANCEMENT: Switch to RabbitMQ to allow for backend to pickup missed jobs during restarts
  • ENHANCEMENT: Refactor all the static shit in
  • ENHANCEMENT: Exceptions needed
  • ENHANCEMENT: Try using an embed for output title
  • ENHANCEMENT: .message, .message_type, .raise_exception fields to the CommandObject, ToBackendObject, ToFrontendObject
  • ENHANCEMENT: refactor /driver to use dataframe for all calcs
  • BUG: /laps * title needs to include week & trackname
  • ENHANCEMENT: split title into it's own image
  • BUG: /incidents is checking for driver race
  • BUG: /drivers inactive needs a message if there's no inactive drivers
  • BUG: backend exits on error... need to wrap everything in try
  • ENHANCEMENT: script to make entries in bot_guild_drivers based on data in discord_guild_drivers and discord_drivers
  • BUG: /previous_races isn't returning any information
  • BUG: /subscribe command isn't linking user to the server
  • BUG: season option for /schedule isn't working
  • BUG: ir_change and cpi charts in /driver output isn't including all races, also needs to start from 0
  • BUG: the sort_by field for /team quick_stats isn't doing anything
  • ENHANCEMENT: A top# option for the !points command
  • BUG: ir_change in /driver output seems too high
  • BUG: bot isn't moving default week to the next week
  • ENHANCEMENT: add a !lastseasons command; returns table of last 5 seasons with race counts, wins, irgains
  • ENHANCEMENT: option to output !drivers commands to single image
  • ENHANCEMENT: auto !lastrace option: opt-in/out on a per driver basis
  • ENHANCEMENT: allow setting a default time offset for a discord server
  • ENHANCEMENT: automatically post daily/weekly/seasonal commands (!sof, !part, !*laps, !pts, !sched, etc) into per series channels
  • ENHANCEMENT: server option to default to scatter plots
  • ENHANCEMENT: auto announce a "week wrap up" of the team's drivers
  • ENHANCEMENT: cache output for previous seasons, so they don't need to be generated over and over
  • ENHANCEMENT: add support for time trial result collection/analysis
  • ENHANCEMENT: !track command
  • BUG: !lastrace doesn't work with team names
  • BUG: /balance command is failing
  • BUG: filtering a /driver request to a single car class fails
  • ENHANCEMENT: use autocomplete for name fields
  • BUG: /driver errors when specifying a week
  • BUG: /points output for annual series is duplicating the 2nd table of weeks
  • BUG: check_for_race function isn't returning the message to the channel
  • ENHANCEMENT: switch from class_abbrev to autocomplete car_class fields
  • ENHANCEMENT: add a table option to /balance command; default fastest_lap, optional median_lap
  • ENHANCEMENT: use autocomplete for series_abbrev fields
  • ENHANCEMENT: /points table needs to be split up into smaller chunks of drivers
  • ENHANCEMENT: don't include the annual series in /driver output if a season is provided
  • BUG: /points output isn't including the weeks breakdown table
  • BUG: /team output is including 12 weeks in the ir chart when there's only been 2 weeks in the season
  • ENHANCEMENT: include driver count in /balance output
  • BUG: /irating_changes is broken
  • BUG: need a check for active classes that don't have abbreviations
  • ENHANCEMENT: /driver command should automatically display info for the driver's most recent season
  • ENHANCEMENT: /team quick_stats option to filter out drivers with zero races
  • BUG: /driver with a fake driver name fails
  • ENHANCEMENT: !champ, !week, !pts: for team series, include both individual and team standings
  • BUG: /points chart is empty for week 1
  • ENHANCEMENT: need more error handling in backend
  • BUG: /balance lap_type:race_average fails to include the majority of drivers in special events / enduros (only including solo drivers)
  • ENHANCEMENT: /balance lap_type:qual|avg|race default to race
  • ENHANCEMENT: precede auto race announce with driver and series name
  • BUG: race announcements are proceeded by a cached Output for message
  • BUG: the sortby: option isn't actually affecting the /team output
  • BUG: /team divisions is missing season option
  • BUG: /manage_team update fails if no color is provided
  • ENHANCEMENT: a new command to get information on the rate of incidents / DQs for a series
  • ENHANCEMENT: !update_me command for users to manage their entry in the drivers database
  • ENHANCEMENT: give explanation msg when someone tries admin commands in a dm
  • BUG: !set_announce_options returns an error stating that the server isn't subbed, if the driver list is empty
  • ENHANCEMENT: implement a "watched" drivers feature (separate list of drivers to team drivers)
  • ENHANCEMENT: system to let users know about the switch to slash commands
  • BUG: check if anyone is still running the beta bot, guide them on switching
  • ENHANCEMENT: /series_abbreviations needs a season field to allow users to find abbrevs for historical seasons
  • BUG: race counts for /driver and /team quick_stats are waaaay too high for some drivers
  • ENHANCEMENT: /laps commands need a car field to limit output to a particular car in multi make classes / series
  • BUG: error messages being displayed into the wrong server
  • BUG: race announcements are being attempted (and failing) during week 13
  • BUG: /strengthoffield, /participation, and /officials aren't filtering by provided class
  • BUG: when time_offset is supplied, GMT label is still shown on chart
  • BUG: announcements for multimake races isn't including info on what car the driver was in
  • ENHANCEMENT: license levels on background of CPI charts
  • BUG: /points output includes a header for the weekly table even if the table is empty
  • BUG: ir_change chart in /team quick_stats output isn't including the full season
  • ENHANCEMENT: single function to generate paginated tables
  • ENHANCEMENT: link to doco if the bot can't dm the !help response to a user
  • ENHANCEMENT: include average corners per incident in !driver output
  • BUG: /participation, /officials, and /strengthoffield shouldn't enforce class selection for multiclass series
  • BUG: dev bot is showing duplicate commands to everyone in official iRacing Reports discord server
  • BUG: /participation, /officials, and /strengthoffield shouldn't have division filter options
  • BUG: /schedule isn't including the link to the series schedule page on member site
  • BUG: /officials and /strengthoffield commands need time_offset field
  • BUG: /officials isn't responding
  • BUG: /previous_race sof can be wrong for multiclass races
  • BUG: !bop and /balance adding user's dot to the wrong car column
  • BUG: ir_change charts in both !drivers and /team quick_stats are busted
  • BUG: new announcement system fails to announce NIS races
  • ENHANCEMENT: need to be able to run v3 as devbot
  • BUG: /schedule isn't being affected by the season field
  • ENHANCEMENT: system messages for bot being added to server
  • BUG: DNF percentage is always showing 0%
  • ENHANCEMENT: allow guild admins to remove drivers from the team via web ui
  • ENHANCEMENT: if there's no races for the provided /driver, include what season the driver was last seen in the response
  • ENHANCEMENT: include highlight field for /incidents and /balance
  • ENHANCEMENT: /manage_team add|update include an example of the selected color
  • ENHANCEMENT: hex color code should work even if # isn't provided
  • BUG: many commands for special series like b-open aren't working
  • ENHANCEMENT: LOWESS curve charts
  • ENHANCEMENT: drivers who have been added to the team list linked to their discord user, can use /driver name:me or provide a . to get their own stats
  • ENHANCEMENT: any command that requires series_abbrev can accept . to use the configured default or channel name as the series abbrev
  • BUG: /week output is missing the charts
  • BUG: /team discord_mappings responds so fast it causes an error as sending the "Processing..." message is to slow
  • BUG: /driver needs an optional category field
  • BUG: /laps qualifying series_abbrev:indy500f driver count showing 0
  • BUG: Fastest Laps count in !driver output not including slower classes
  • ENHANCEMENT: Port guild options over from the json field in discord_guilds to bot_guild_options
  • BUG: !dvr won't find previous seasons for drivers who had name changes
  • ENHANCEMENT: !drivers ir change vs week chart rather than "point in time"
  • BUG: need a check if a class used in a series doesn't has an abbrev
  • BUG: errors building series schedule if iRacing change a trackid midseason
  • BUG: results announcements for non-standard series are failing (NIS etc)
  • BUG: need some magic to deal with massive driver lists....
  • ENHANCEMENT: add a !drivers_inactive command, to help admins clean out their driver list
  • BUG: !dvr errors out if the driver has done a race but not completed a lap
  • BUG: car logo for Veloster and Elantra are ambiguous
  • ENHANCEMENT: groupid need to be collected in the same way as custid (related to dealing with name changes)
  • BUG: !dvr fails for people who've raced under a team named the same as their iracing name
  • BUG: !sched doesn't split table images evenly for series that run over 12 weeks
  • BUG: !sched isn't highlight the current week for the long running series (ie: nis-fix)
  • BUG: !qlaps fails if top 5 includes drivers who've done detached qual but haven't been in a race
  • BUG: announce podiums only option is announcing 4th places?
  • BUG: detection of name change doesn't update driver name for all categories
  • BUG: !drivers command failing if a driver in the team hasn't raced this season
  • BUG: fix for doubled race counts for drivers who had changed names introduced bug with historical !dvr commands
  • BUG: !dvr returning double the race count for drivers who had changed names
  • BUG: old name is returned after name change
  • ENHANCEMENT: include most recent irating and license info in !drivers commands for drivers who haven't raced in the season
  • BUG: !bop only including solo drivers laps in team events
  • BUG: lap count in lastrace output is doubled in team events
  • ENHANCEMENT: automate publishing of items in the #development-todo channel
  • ENHANCEMENT: include info on size of each bin in boxplots
  • BUG: automated lastrace announcements don't include all drivers if in different classes
  • ENHANCEMENT: include Average SoF info in !driver output
  • ENHANCEMENT: include Incidents Per Corner info in !driver output
  • BUG: !lastraces fails if both category and week filters are supplied
  • BUG: allow time offset option for !lastraces
  • ENHANCEMENT: Add date info to !lastrace(s) output
  • BUG: !lastraces doesn't return anything if less than 5 races have been run
  • BUG: !qlaps total drivers shows 0 for detached qualifying
  • BUG: if a category has no series configured for the "current season" the bot doesn't respond
  • ENHANCEMENT: icons for AMG W12, Hyundai Elantra, Honda Civic
  • BUG: incorrect field name in 2nd table of !champ output
  • ENHANCEMENT: allow adjusting of time offset for !sof, !part, !offs. ie: !sof gt3 +11
  • ENHANCEMENT: paginate !*laps output
  • ENHANCEMENT: display driver count in !*laps commands output
  • BUG: !update_driver busted
  • BUG: missing announcements for lower splits if a team has drivers in top split and another
  • BUG: driver name isn't updated in the discord team table on name change
  • BUG: filtering !arlaps by division throws error if no driver in the division had won a race
  • BUG: !lastraces for multiclass series includes the overall SoF, rather than class SoF
  • BUG: mapping a channel to a series isn't defaulting to that series for manual commands
  • BUG: final section of the !series list is being skipped
  • ENHANCEMENT: paginate the !points output
  • ENHANCEMENT: Include iRating in the automatic race announcement info
  • BUG: !force_channel isn't working
  • BUG: !lastrace for multiclass series includes the overall SoF, rather than class SoF
  • ENHANCEMENT: paginate the !drivers output similar to recent change to !series output
  • ENHANCEMENT: split header from 1st driver info in !lastrace to make all drivers consistent ratio
  • ENHANCEMENT: include what car was driven in !lastrace if mutlimake series/class
  • BUG: !force_channel throws error
  • ENHANCEMENT: update the page
  • ENHANCEMENT: option to sort !drivers by name
  • ENHANCEMENT: allow !driver to work with discord @handle for team drivers
  • ENHANCEMENT: role based access to subscribed server admin commands
  • BUG: The count of splits incorrect in some automatic race announcements
  • ENHANCEMENT: !bop command to surface info on laptimes between car types in a class
  • BUG: sending multiple webhooks to the #development-todo channel
  • BUG: Using !add_me in a DM fails
  • BUG: !points should have the total driver count displayed
  • ENHANCEMENT: add sorting options (irating change, irating) to !week command
  • ENHANCEMENT: implement some command spam protection
  • BUG: The iR gain only option doesn't filter out team mates who lost iR if another gained
  • BUG: Split x of y can be incorrect in auto lastrace announcement (if other splits aren't complete)
  • ENHANCEMENT: include Split x of y in !lastrace output
  • BUG: auto last race announce breaks when a team has > 9 drivers in a single race (hi Radical guys)
  • ENHANCEMENT: !driver output should include the season when an inactive driver last raced
  • BUG: driver iRating in !incidents output is out of date
  • ENHANCEMENT: update the patreon system to support a tier that allows adding the bot to a 2nd server
  • BUG: some team members aren't getting access to subscriber commands
  • BUG: team driver's aren't being highlighted in !cpi output
  • BUG: team events aren't included in !lastraces output or found by !lastrace
  • ENHANCEMENT: collect all 2018 results, configure bot to allow 18s1, 18s2, 18s3, 18s4
  • ENHANCEMENT: !incidents <series> [class] [season] [week] (alias !inc) command
  • ENHANCEMENT: option to have races announced into certain channels depending on series
  • BUG: auto !lastrace announcements aren't being done any more
  • BUG: finish position reports pos_in_class of total_drivers_in_class rather than pos_in_class of total_cars_in_class
  • BUG: specifying a category in the !drivers command is broken
  • BUG: !lastrace fastest lap chart needs white dot again
  • BUG: "late model tour - fixed" is missing the " - fixed" part
  • BUG: !add_driver doesn't appear to be saving the discord user link
  • BUG: !update_driver is broken
  • ENHANCEMENT: split the !series road output into 2 tables, it's too damn long
  • ENHANCEMENT: auto !lastrace option: only announce finish position better than X
  • ENHANCEMENT: auto !lastrace option: opt-in/out on a per series basis
  • ENHANCEMENT: auto !lastrace option: only announce races where driver gained irating
  • ENHANCEMENT: on startup, check for missing multiclass car logos
  • BUG: auto lastrace announce being triggered by week 13 official races
  • BUG: trying to run a command with a week that doesn't exist throws an error
  • ENHANCEMENT: !driver and !driver <series> outputs should use the same layout
  • BUG: error thrown if a season in the future is provided
  • BUG: irating change on !drivers output is incorrect
  • BUG: !update_driver command was hanging the bot while searching the entire database for a driver name that isn't in the team
  • BUG: results collection has been broken for the last 8 hours :(
  • BUG: !qlaps broken for detached qual sessions
  • ENHANCEMENT: allow division filter for the !week command
  • BUG: !arlaps includes drivers who only completed a small number of laps
  • ENHANCEMENT: include track info for each entry in !lastraces
  • BUG: !qlaps rad failing for nords week (ie: bug in detached qual stats)
  • BUG: auto !lastrace being triggered by un-official races
  • BUG: auto !lastrace announcement duplication
  • ENHANCEMENT: rig up a devlog page on the project website -
  • BUG: !offs <series> results seem to only be either 0% or 100%
  • BUG: !arlaps nis-open is failing
  • ENHANCEMENT: allow drivers on multiple teams to have a different highlight color for each team
  • BUG: !drivers fails if a driver on the team hasn't raced this season
  • BUG: if a driver is in multiple teams, the auto !lastrace announcement only happens in one team discord
  • ENHANCEMENT: make data from 2019 seasons available
  • BUG: season filter isn't working for some commands
  • ENHANCEMENT: rework the !lastrace output to include any other team drivers who were in the same race
  • BUG: avg laptime scatter plot on !lastrace doesn't ignore drivers who don't finish the race
  • BUG: !lastrace r# where # is above season race count throws an error
  • ENHANCEMENT: automatic !lastrace output when a team driver completes a race
  • ENHANCEMENT: !lastrace r# where # is the number of races ago to show info for
  • ENHANCEMENT: !lastraces command to get a list of a drivers previous 10 races
  • BUG: !series oval doesn't list the yearly series
  • BUG: !driver throws an error if no name is provided
  • BUG: !lastrace with no name supplied is throwing an error, rather than explaining that a name is required
  • ENHANCEMENT: rig up a magical webhook to announce todo/done items
  • BUG: !qlaps indy-r is claiming there's no q results this week
  • ENHANCEMENT: add support for "detached" qualifying sessions
  • ENHANCEMENT: include a count of fastest race laps in !driver output
  • ENHANCEMENT: admin functions